Financial Planning and Wealth Management for Corporate Executives

As a corporate executive, your financial landscape is complex and ever evolving. Balancing the demands of a high-pressure time-consuming job with the need for a secure financial future presents both unique and challenges and opportunities.

Specialized financial planning is crucial for corporate executives. It not only assists in managing substantial wealth and diverse assets but also in navigating the intricacies of compensation packages, stock options, retirement plans and more. Our Team has detailed expertise in understanding these complexities and provides tailored strategies designed to optimize your financial future. 


Understanding The Corporate Executive’s Financial Landscape

If you are a corporate executive, you may be part of an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) or have stock options; which are a valuable part of your compensation, but come with their own set of tax implications and vesting schedules. Bonuses significantly boost your income but also require careful year to year tax planning. Your compensation structure may include deferred compensation plans, restricted stock units, or other complex elements that require management.

Your career trajectory also significantly impacts your financial planning. Promotions can lead to increased income but also higher tax brackets. Career transitions may come with new compensation structures and relocation needs, which often require proactive planning from both the investment as well as the estate perspective.

As you approach retirement from the Company, we often see a personal financial focus shift towards income from the traditional corporate executive role toward income from a more flexible ‘consulting’ role. This means starting your own business. We do this post-full-time career transition well. 

Ready to maximize your finances?


Customized Financial Planning Services

While we provide a comprehensive suite of wealth management services, some of the most impactful for corporate executives include: 

what makes a good wealth management firm
  • Life and Team Management

    As a corporate executive, you are likely surrounded by professionals, each designed to help manage a certain part of your financial life. From external resources like CPA’s to Attorneys, to internal contacts like your personal assistant – each person has their role. We have found it very common that these people operate in silos and don’t talk with one another. As your Family CFO, we are able to see the complexities and strategies and connect the dots when needed. We bring it all together.

  • Investment Management

    Investment Management: Our investment management strategy is designed to maximize your wealth while minimizing risk. We coordinate the complexities of portfolio diversification, asset allocation, and risk, allowing you to focus on your responsibilities.

  • Estate Planning

    The protection and transfer of what you have built is paramount. Our estate planning focus designs your plan for the future but considers the impact should something happen today. Ensuring your wealth is managed and distributed according to your wishes while minimizing challenges and taxes is our focus.

  • Tax Planning

    Navigating the tax landscape is complex, especially for corporate executives, often with multiple income streams and more complex balance sheets. Our tax planning considers multiple angles: The benefits package of your employer, options for sheltering non employer income from taxation, tax-saving opportunities from investments, and more. If you have a CPA, we can work with them. If you need a CPA who does more, we can bring those resources to the table as well.

  • Cash Flow Planning

    e consider your full balance sheet and unique financial situation and objectives when crafting your Cash Flow plan. Generally, strategies we design are built to provide a comfortable and consistent stream of cash flows throughout life. Our strategy includes traditional stocks and bonds; however we often identify and develop cash flows from multiple income streams such as real estate and personal pension plans to implement a diversified stream of cash flows.

  • Executive Compensation and Benefits Optimization

    Stock Options and Restricted Stock Units (RSUs): Our Team provides guidance on the exercise of your stock options and restricted stock units (RSUs), considering factors such as your personal financial situation, tax implications, and market conditions. We’ll help you balance the need for liquidity with the potential for future growth. 

    Incentive Plans: We work with you to analyze and strategize the intricacies of your incentive plans and how they fit into your overall financial picture. This includes evaluating vesting schedules, tax implications, and potential risks. 

    Compensation Deferral Strategies: Deferring compensation can be a powerful tax-saving strategy. We evaluate whether comp or bonus deferral makes sense for you, considering your income, tax bracket, and financial goals. 

    Pension Plan Choices: We provide guidance on retirement plan options. Is a defined benefit or defined contribution plan is right for you? Consider factors such as your cash flow needs, tax brackets and expected longevity. 

    Every situation is unique. We provide personalized advice tailored to your specific needs.

  • Risk Management

    As a corporate executive, your financial life is more complex than most, requiring specialized risk management strategies. Through in-depth analysis, we generally identify and manage potential risks to your income and assets. This may include life insurance to protect your family’s financial future, disability insurance to protect your income stream, liability insurance to protect your personal assets, and more.

    Corporate executives often have significant personal assets at risk. We review and can implement protective measures through simple strategies such as umbrella insurance policies, or possible more complex asset protection trusts. 

Personalized Wealth Management Approach

Tailored Solutions For You & Your Company

At Buttonwood Financial Group, we believe that every corporate executive is unique, and so should be their approach to wealth management. We take into account your specific objectives,  lifestyle, cash flow needs, and financial landscape to craft a personalized wealth management plan.

What sets us apart in the industry is our white glove level of service. We go above and beyond to provide you with a seamless, high-quality experience. From the moment you engage with us, you’ll receive personalized attention, timely responses, and tailored financial strategies. We’ll do the work for you, so you can focus on your business and your life.

Our commitment is to serve you with the utmost professionalism and discretion, ensuring your financial affairs are managed with the care they deserve. With Buttonwood Financial Group as your personal CFO, you aren’t engaging just another firm – you are partnering with a Team of professionals to join your financial journey and focus on your lifetime of financial success.


Investment Management

Tax Sensitive Approach

Cash Flow Coordination

Cash Reserves

Assets & Liabilities

Consolidated Reporting

Our Expertise and Experience

Our years of experience are a testament to the value we provide for many corporate executives. For example, we had a client who was an executive at a well-known corporation. The company was structured as an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), which presented unique financial planning opportunities.

The executive had been with the company for many years and had accumulated a significant amount of company stock in their retirement plan. They had worked with and recently interviewed other financial advisors, but none had suggested a Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) strategy.

When they came to us, our team recognized the opportunity immediately. We knew that an NUA strategy could potentially result in significant tax savings. Our team worked diligently with company HR staff, and the family’s CPA to design a strategy that would work for both the company and the client. Through our extensive knowledge and dedication, we were able to implement the NUA strategy effectively.

As a result, the client was able to realize millions of dollars of tax savings, remove years of unknown tax complexity from Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) requirements and likely save millions of dollars in taxes for the children because of the type of assets the kids would eventually be inheriting. 

They were extremely grateful. This is just one example of how our personalized approach and deep understanding of executive compensation structures can benefit our clients. At Buttonwood Financial Group, we’re committed to finding innovative solutions to help our clients maximize their wealth and achieve their financial goals.

Getting Started With Us

  • Introductions

    Working with the Team at Buttonwood Financial Group is simple. Many of our relationships  start with a casual introductory conversation. This conversation is cost and obligation-free, and one where we get to know one another. We can learn about what is important to you in your financial life and you have the opportunity to ask any questions that may be on your mind. Assuming there is a fit during our first conversation, we'll likely request some specific documents allowing us to develop and craft our initial strategy.

  • Second Meeting

    In our second meeting will talk through this strategy, quantify its impact and provide a breakout of our cost. If you would like to move forward, we will begin to implement our new strategy.

  • Continuous Relationship

    Once you're on board, our relationship doesn't stop there. We foster lifelong, and often multigenerational relationships with our clients.  You will have a clear roadmap and 24/7 access to technology tracking your progress while we provide ongoing support and proactive management. We will have regular meetings, set at a cadence to match the complexity of your needs. We proactively adjust strategies as life, economic, tax and legal changes require, our goal is to ensure you're always one step ahead and on track to meet your financial objectives. With Buttonwood Financial Group by your side, you can rest assured knowing that you have a trusted partner dedicated to your financial well-being every step of the way.

If you feel you could benefit from the simplification and coordination of your own personal CFO and would like to have an initial conversation, please contact us today or call Macy Vulgamore  @ 816-285-9000.

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