Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning in Kansas City

Personalized Solutions for Your Retirement Dreams

At Buttonwood Financial Group, we understand how important retirement planning is to ensure a comfortable and financially stable future for you and your family. We also view Retirement as the time of life when, if you are continuing to work, you are doing so because you want to, not because you have to.

As a leading wealth management firm in Kansas City, we are dedicated to helping individuals navigate the complexities of retirement planning for “optional gainful employment” and achieving their financial goals with confidence.

Retirement is a significant milestone in life, and it's essential to approach it with careful consideration and strategic planning. Whether you're just starting to think about retirement or already on the path, we are here to provide expert guidance and personalized solutions that align with your unique needs and aspirations. become daunting. 

Our team of experienced retirement planning professionals understands retirement means different things to different people. It's about envisioning your ideal lifestyle, pursuing your passions, and enjoying the fruits of your labor. At Buttonwood, we believe retirement should be a time of fulfillment, security, and peace of mind.

doing math

When creating a retirement plan, there are several factors to consider in order to make sure that your plan will be effective:

  1. Estimate how much money you need in retirement. This can be done by estimating living expenses and factoring in inflation.

  2. Choose the right investment accounts for your retirement strategy. You'll need to analyze your options, including traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, 401(k)s, brokerage, and other account types.

  3. It is important to manage your investments to provide growth today, and income throughout your retirement. This may include stocks, bonds, private markets, and other investments.

  4. And finally, it is important to review your retirement strategy at least annually and proactively adjust along the way. 

Why Retirement Planning Matters

  • Financial Security: Whether you want to ‘retire’ at age 50, 65 or 80, retirement planning provides a solid foundation for your financial security after you stop traditional work. It helps you build assets that provide a sustainable income stream to support your desired lifestyle throughout the rest of your life.

  • Maintaining Your Standard of Living: Retirement brings a significant change in income as you transition from earning a regular salary to relying on investments and optional part time / passion-focused work. Effective retirement planning allows you to estimate your future expenses and income needs, ensuring that you can maintain your desired standard of living even after leaving the workforce.

  • Achieving Your Retirement Goals: Retirement planning enables you to define, develop and implement strategies designed to reach specific retirement cash flow levels. These cash flows allow for traveling the world, pursuing hobbies, or spending quality time with family and loved ones. Regardless of your outcome, a well-crafted retirement plan helps you align your financial resources to achieve these aspirations.

  • Inflation and Rising Costs: Over time, the cost of living tends to increase due to inflation and other economic factors. Retirement planning accounts for these rising costs, ensuring that your savings and investments keep pace with inflation and continue to provide for your needs and aspirations.

  • Healthcare Expenses: Healthcare costs tend to rise as we age, and proper retirement planning includes accounting for potential medical expenses. By considering healthcare costs and having appropriate insurance coverage, you can protect your retirement savings and maintain financial stability in the face of potential healthcare challenges.

  • Peace of Mind: Having a well-designed retirement plan brings peace of mind. It alleviates concerns about financial uncertainty and empowers you to face retirement with confidence, knowing that you have prepared for the future and have a roadmap to guide you.

Planning Your Ideal Retirement Lifestyle

From Bucket List to Reality

Retirement is supposed to be a phase of life where you truly enjoy the fruits of your labor. To create an ideal lifestyle after years of full employment, it’s important to consider a variety of factors when planning your retirement.

  • Retirement Goals

    Start by envisioning your retirement goals. What activities do you look forward to? Do you have any travel aspirations? Are there hobbies or passions you want to pursue? Identifying how you will spend your time helps shape your vision and allows us to align your financial plan accordingly.

  • Financial Expectations

    Consider your financial expectations during retirement. Will your expenses change? Are there specific luxuries or experiences you wish to enjoy? By evaluating your financial expectations, you can estimate your retirement income needs and plan your finances accordingly.

  • Lifestyle Choices

    Reflect on the lifestyle you want to lead during retirement. Do you prefer a simple and modest lifestyle, or are you looking for a more active retirement? Consider factors such as housing, leisure activities, dining, and entertainment preferences. Understanding your desired lifestyle helps determine the financial resources required to support it.

  • Family Considerations

    Take into account any family obligations or responsibilities that may impact your retirement life. Are you planning to support children or grandchildren? Will you need to consider the financial needs of aging parents? Balancing your family considerations with your retirement goals is essential for creating a comprehensive retirement plan.

  • Health and Wellness

    Prioritize your health and well-being in retirement planning. Consider potential healthcare costs, long-term care needs, and health insurance coverage. Maintaining good health through exercise, proper nutrition, and regular check-ups can help reduce medical expenses and enhance your overall retirement experience.

  • Legacy and Charitable Giving

    Reflect on how or if you want to leave a legacy and make a positive impact. Consider charitable giving, philanthropic endeavors, or supporting causes that are important to you. Including legacy and charitable giving components in your retirement plan can bring fulfillment and leave a lasting impact on the community.

Your Retirement, Your Way: Custom Strategies by Buttonwood Financial Group

Personalized Strategies for Your Ideal Future

As your Family CFO, Buttonwood Financial Group takes a personalized and comprehensive approach to retirement planning. Our goal is to help you achieve the retirement lifestyle you want by providing professional guidance, tailored strategies, and offering ongoing support.

We place our clients’ needs at the center of everything we do. Our Team will take the time to conduct a comprehensive financial assessment to better understand your unique goals, aspirations, and concerns. This way we can work with you to create a plan that is aligned with your values, objectives, and overall preferences.

As experienced investment professionals, we utilize our experience and insights to help position investment assets to align with your retirement cash flow needs. We also take into consideration your unique tax and estate considerations. Using this comprehensive view, we are able to design diversified portfolios tailored to your risk tolerance and timeline.

Our Team believes in empowering clients through education and transparent communication designed to upgrade your financial knowledge. It’s important for us to make sure each of our clients understand retirement planning isn’t just a one-time event but a lifelong journey we are taking together.

Using this proven strategy, we provide ongoing monitoring of your plan, regularly review your progress, and make any necessary adjustments to keep you on track with your cash flow needs. 


Investment Management

Tax Sensitive Approach

Cash Flow Coordination

Cash Reserves

Assets & Liabilities

Consolidated Reporting

Common Retirement Planning Challenges

At Buttonwood Financial Group, we understand these challenges and are here to help you overcome them. Our team of retirement planning experts can provide personalized solutions, tailored to your unique circumstances and goals. We will work closely with you to address these challenges, develop a comprehensive retirement plan, and guide you towards a financially secure and fulfilling retirement.

retirement planning Kansas City
  • Insufficient Savings

    Many individuals struggle with inadequate retirement savings. Whether due to competing financial priorities, unexpected expenses, or lack of financial planning, it's essential to address this challenge early on. Working with a financial advisor, like Buttonwood Financial Group, can help you develop a savings strategy, identify opportunities to increase savings, and make informed investment decisions to grow your retirement nest egg.

  • Market Volatility and Investment Risks

    Retirement planning involves investing for the long term, but market volatility and investment risks can cause anxiety and setbacks. It's crucial to develop an investment strategy that aligns with your risk tolerance and long-term goals. Buttonwood Financial Group's experienced advisors can help you create a diversified investment portfolio and provide a proactive approach designed to reduce the impact of market fluctuations, ensuring your investments stay on track.

  • Healthcare Costs

    Rising healthcare costs can pose a significant challenge during retirement. Navigating Medicare, understanding supplemental insurance options, and planning for potential long-term care needs can be complex. Working with a wealth manager who specializes in retirement planning, such as Buttonwood Financial Group, LLC, can help you incorporate healthcare costs into your retirement plan and explore appropriate insurance solutions.

  • Longevity Risk

    With increasing life expectancy, the risk of outliving your retirement savings becomes a concern. To address this challenge, it's important to incorporate longevity risk into your retirement plan. Consider factors like expected lifespan, potential healthcare expenses, and the sustainability of your retirement income. Buttonwood Financial Group can help you develop strategies to ensure your savings last throughout your retirement years.

  • Changing Economic Landscape

    Economic conditions and policies will impact your retirement planning. Changes in tax laws, Social Security regulations, and economic trends require careful consideration. Staying informed and working with a wealth manager who includes these ever-changing laws and regulations into your plan is much more likely to produce a better outcome. 

  • Inflation

    Over time, inflation erodes the purchasing power of your savings. Failing to account for inflation can undermine the sustainability of your retirement income. Your retirement plan should incorporate strategies to mitigate the impact of inflation, such as investing in assets with potential for growth and regularly reviewing your retirement income strategy.

Your Retirement Plan Shouldn't End at Retirement

Leave a Legacy and Make an Impact

After you've taken the leap to retirement, with Buttonwood Financial Group, LLC as part of your Team, many of the complexities of your financial life will become simpler. Our emphasis turns toward maintaining your lifestyle, coordinating tax payments, and implementing estate and gifting strategies designed to set future generations and your passion projects up for success.

Once in retirement, there may be some new financial aspects of your life you want to focus on:

Post-Retirement Considerations

Lifestyle Management & Enhancement

Manage post-career expectations and improve your quality of life. Learn more

Multigenerational Wealth Management

If you have loved ones that you'd like to help, learn about our multigenerational strategy. Learn more

Estate & Legacy Planning

Ensure your estate is managed properly when the time comes. Learn more


Tax Reduction Strategies

Are you capitalizing on all of the tax benefits available to you post-retirement? Learn more

Transforming Financial Futures

Inspiring Stories Of Buttonwood's Impact

Ready to Talk?

Are you ready to explore the benefits of your very own CFO? Schedule a Conversation Today!

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