January is National Financial Wellness Month

Vince Pastorino • January 11, 2023

January is Financial Wellness Month, which means it’s a good time to plan and update your financial strategy.

Now is a great time to connect with your financial professional to discuss your financial situation and aspirations for the future. You should also assess if your financial strategy needs any adjustments or changes based on your lifestyle.

Defining Financial Wellness

The first thing to do is define what “financial wellness” means for you. This varies drastically from person to person. It is informed by who you are, where you are coming from, and what your experiences with money are. A person who has had serious financial troubles in their life might have different expectations than a person who has enjoyed relative financial stability.

How, then, is “financial wellness” defined? First, ask yourself what you need to feel secure, financially speaking. Here are some questions to consider:

  • How much should you have saved? 
  • How much income should you be bringing in each month? 
  • Where are you at with your debt/liabilities vs assets?
  • How fluid is your cash flow when it comes to expenses that are not urgent (taking your family out to dinner or on a small trip) versus larger financial goals (such as buying a new kitchen appliance)? 
  • Is your estate plan properly setup to benefit your younger generation(s)?
  • Finally, and perhaps most importantly, will you be able to retire at your target age?

Financial Wellness Goals

Thinking about financial wellness is often a matter of setting goals for what you can accomplish now and what you can work on to make it a part of your larger financial strategy. For now, consider taking these actions:

  • Have a values-based conversation with the decision makers in your household, meaning any tax-paying adult who contributes income and shares responsibility for the bills. This could be your spouse or a family member. Make sure the non-essential things you are spending money on line up with your commitments to meeting your financial needs. This is not a “stop getting lattes” conversation; it is a “are we spending money on the things that matter?” conversation.
  • Create an emergency fund reflecting 3–6 months of household expenses to establish a stable foundation going forward. If that seems too ambitious, build the fund a month at a time until you reach your goal.
  • Make regular contributions to your retirement accounts. The 401(k) contribution limit for 2023 is $22,500.1 Take advantage of any matching contributions you might get from your employer. 
  • Make long-term financial goals. If you are thinking in terms of creating generational wealth, for instance, let that guide your overall financial strategy. 
  • Is becoming totally debt free an achievable goal? It can be, if you make it a priority. That said, being totally debt free can be a difficult task for most households. For that reason, it may be better for you to focus on your other goals first and make debt freedom a target for a later date: for example, being debt free by retirement.

These are, of course, not hard and fast rules. As mentioned above, every individual has their own specific definition of financial wellness. Some of these examples might feel like a long reach. Others, you might already be practicing. The good news is that with careful practice and judicious scrutiny, many people can gain a feeling of satisfaction and even pleasure from maintaining financial wellness.

Wealth Management Kansas City

Having your financial strategy in place can mean not only a great deal to you in the long term but may also provide you some comfort in the short term. If you are ready to implement your coordinated financial strategy, a wealth manager is worth exploring. While we are physically located in the heart of Kansas City, we work with families all over the country and stand ready to assist. Schedule time to discuss with one of our Lead Advisors today.

  1. https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/401k-limit-increases-to-22500-for-2023-ira-limit-rises-to-6500 

This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security.

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