Making a Career Transition in 2021

Macy Vulgamore • January 12, 2021

As a multigenerational Family CFO , we regularly guide our clients through career transitions. After an interesting 2020, we found the core values and beliefs of those we work with haven’t changed. However, we have seen a shift in financial goals and objectives – resulting in increased interest in career changes. For additional insight, we reached out to one of our trusted HR professionals, Michelle Anderson with OMNI Human Resource Management. With 25 years of experience in talent acquisition and executive search, Michelle shares helpful tips to consider when making a career transition in her guest post:

Making a Career Transition in 2021

By Michelle Anderson , Vice President, Executive Search

OMNI Human Resource Management


Have you been pondering a career transition?

It’s a new year, and after nine long months of living through Covid-19, there’s a sense of hope as the vaccine has started to roll out. The new year also leads us to consider our goals, inspirations, and dreams. For many, making a career transition is and has been top of mind, due to the impact of the pandemic. For others, it’s a question of whether the timing is right to make a career move. Is the market strong? Are companies hiring? Should I stay put?

As a Search Consultant and leader within OMNI Human Resource Management, an Overland Park-based Human Resources Consulting Firm, I believe it is absolutely a good time to consider a transition. I am encouraged as the job market continues to improve and companies are hiring. Covid-19 has caused people to think about what is important and to re-evaluate their priorities. Perhaps it’s time for a complete career change? Do you have new or evolving family or caretaker duties? Is having the flexibility to work from home or having an alternative work schedule important to you? Being prepared and having a strategy is key, so think about the following:

Planning and Assessment : Write down what type of job you see yourself doing and the environment in which you want to work. Identify and research key companies you might like to work for and develop a target list so that when you are networking with others, you have a plan and can clearly articulate your goals.

LinkedIn : Create or update your LinkedIn profile to reflect how you want to be seen. Your profile is your ‘brand’ and therefore should reflect your career history, accomplishments, and successes. Include a photo. As LinkedIn is the number one tool recruiters utilize to search for talent, ensure your profile is worthy of a look and is competitive.

Resume : Update your resume so it’s ready when you need it. Keep it simple. Include roles you’ve held over the past 10-15 years and list them in reverse chronological order.  Ensure the resume reflects ‘accomplishments’ versus ‘duties.’ Include volunteer and/or Board experience, as it reflects your community involvement and is an appealing attribute.

Network, Network, Network : Connect with and continue to build your network of personal and professional contacts. Create a list of relevant contacts that could be helpful to your search within the key companies you seek. Consider neighbors, prior co-workers, clients, vendors, friends, etc. Selectively reach out to those within your inner circle to share that you are seeking a new opportunity. Request virtual coffees or short phone calls. Ask what you can do for them in return. Networking is always a two-way street.

Job Transition Clubs : Consider participating in a career transition networking group. OMNI offers a free virtual “Careers and Connections” discussion twice per month as an opportunity for those seeking a career transition to come together and network. Johnson County Community College also has a career transition group – as do numerous churches.

Social Media Sites : Keep an eye out on various job posting sites for career opportunities.  Depending on the role, LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor and industry specific sites are viable and warrant a look. Should you see an opportunity of interest, find someone in your network who can help push your resume to the correct decision maker.

Interviewing : Once you have been selected for an interview, be prepared. Research the company’s website, annual report, and press releases. Review the interviewer’s LinkedIn page to fully understand their background. Identify if you have mutual connections. Once the interview is complete, send an email thanking them for their time.

Be Patient : Making a career transition takes time. Although exciting, it can also be frustrating and slow to progress. Be patient, stay positive, and view each meeting or interview as an opportunity to build your network, which can pay off in the long term. Each interview/network opportunity brings you one step closer to landing your ideal job.

Should you decide you are going to pursue a career transition this year, be excited, passionate, and enthusiastic – own it! Convey an attitude that you have what it takes, and that an organization would be lucky to have you. Good luck!

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